Monday, December 26, 2011

The Belgian Chain Reaction

Hello all,

Belgium proudly presents it's technical chain reaction!

In Qworzó, the municipal elementary school in Merksplas, 35 youngsters aged 11-12 worked very hard to create this chain reaction!

We had a fun experiencing time and we learned a lot about thinking as a scientist, working together in small and large groups, ICT, ...

Of course we hope you will enjoy our chain reaction!

We look forward to watching the other chain reactions and want to wish you all as much joy as we had creating this modern artwork.

Best wishes for 2012 for all of who read this blog!


  1. Wow, what a great performance, kids!
    And wow, Dave, what a brilliant video quality!

    I liked the PiP technology. :-)

    And certainly:
    a very creative


  2. Hello to great performers!!!

    Dear Belgian team,
    you always succeed in making me speechless as I am completely fascinated with hundreds of brilliant chain reactions: tubes, plastic glasses, building blocks, books...what an unforgettable video!


    I LOVE your chain reaction a LOT!

    My best to you, Dave, and your team!


  3. What a great video!
    We are very impressed with the quality of your chain reaction.
    You are real professionals!

    Congratulations to the entire team.

    Good luck with the vote.

    The French team.

  4. Woo Hoo!!
    What a fantastic effort!
    Great ideas, so many different pieces of equipment involved, super music and really outstanding camerawork to film the whole thing, as well as a really imaginative ending, all combine to produce a chain reaction to be really proud of!

    A real winner, amongst winners, in my opinion!

    Well done Dave and the team from Belgium :-)


  5. One of my favourites!! A long and well- organized chain reaction. You should be proud!!

  6. We think the inclining chairs and the spiral of dominos were unique nice.
    Wir fanden die kippenden Stühle und die Spirale aus Dominosteinen besonders schön,

    Milena - Jörg, Kassel, Germany

  7. Lauren&Lauren from ScotlandJanuary 10, 2012 at 3:49 PM

    Your chain reaction is VERY good. We think that it is one of our favourites. We hope you do well in the contest. Good Luck.

  8. Emma and Lisa from ScotlandJanuary 10, 2012 at 4:00 PM

    Well done good idea of the water at the start.

    Good Luck

  9. Our friends in Qworzo! a wonderful chain reaction! you included many technical elements that must have been difficult to get right! The children have worked incredibly hard and the video is testament to that. Perhaps when we come over and visit as part of the Comenius project, we can share ideas or even do a collaborative chain reaction! Well done and good luck!

  10. Congratulations! With pleasure I saw the video! This is a great chain reaction!

    Greetings from Bulgaria

  11. You built a super Chain!!!We have watched it so many times!!

    Antonio Gramsci Primary School

  12. Day Belgium I find the chain reaction handsome. She is handsome in a put. And it is very well filmed. And the start was very well found with that water. Congratulations!

  13. This is a very nice movie :)
    We spent a long time making it and we're very proud of the results.
    I'm sure we deserve to be in the top 5, but the other countries are also amazing :D

    1. Nina, Andi, Meggy and Petra G.January 19, 2012 at 2:55 PM

      It is more than obvious that you were extremely focused on creating a uniqie chain reaction!
      We, Croatian team, are SO thrilled with your video!

  14. very good chain =)

  15. Very well done i enjoyed it!!

  16. It's very interesting and colorful chain reaction.

    Greetings from Croatia,
